mathieu@pleyel:~/thesis/rbr2/src $ svn commit image/ region/ -m "Gepartitioneerde blur" Sending image/Image.cpp Sending image/Image.h Sending region/AmbientInterpolationIf.cpp Sending region/AmbientInterpolationIf.h Adding region/ImageOps.cpp Adding region/ImageOps.h Sending region/LTTAmbientInterpolation.cpp Sending region/ Transmitting file data ........Killed by signal 2. svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Connection closed unexpectedly mathieu@pleyel:~/thesis/rbr2/src $ svn commit image/ region/ -m "Gepartitioneerde blur" Sending image/Image.cpp Sending image/Image.h Sending region/AmbientInterpolationIf.cpp Sending region/AmbientInterpolationIf.h Adding region/ImageOps.cpp Adding region/ImageOps.h Sending region/LTTAmbientInterpolation.cpp Sending region/ Transmitting file data ........svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Out of date: '/branches/RegionBasedRendering/src/image/Image.cpp' in transaction 'kg' mathieu@pleyel:~/thesis/rbr2/src $ svn up G image/Image.cpp G image/Image.h svn: Failed to add file 'region/ImageOps.h': object of the same name already exists